Top 10 unconventional ways to leave this world

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Bonsai IMG 6420 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Have you ever thought what would happen to your physical body after death?

It may be customary in your culture for cadavers to be buried or cremated, but there are countless other ways to leave this world. Why let your body decay when you can contribute to society’s health and well-being by playing a small role in research of any kind?

1. Wait in cryostasis – currently you can enroll for cryonics in three places – Cryonics Institute, Alcor Life Extension Foundation and KryoRus.

2. Display your plastified body in artful exhibits – in order to do this, you can enroll for free in the body donation program at the Institute for Plastination.

3. Get mummified the Egyptian way – contact the religious organization Summum

4. Turn your ash into a memorial diamond by contacting the LifeGem British company

5. Preserve your brain only – although it can be done through neuropreservation with some of the aforementioned cryonics companies, there is one more place you can do that – The Neural Archives Foundation, which curently resides in Australia.

6. Store some tissue samples only – there are several options here – contact the Cryonics Institute or KryoRus for DNA storage – store it in a capsule at home or contact any dedicated tissue storage banks (although most of them are not only highly expensive but their main focus is the newborn umbilical chord for stem cells)

7. Donate your body to classical anatomy dissections – by contacting the local medical school.

8. Make a digital backup of your memory – apart from publishing your autobiography online or storing your digital mindfiles at any cryonics facility, there are dedicated organizations that take care of this like CyBeRev.

9. Donate blood, cells or whole organs to tissue banks – it will later be used to directly save lives or indirectly advance medical knowledge on several disorders!

10. Naturally mummify yourself – either by spending your last days in the desert, high in the Alps or by practicing Santhara or self-mummification.

Do you know of any other unconventional ways to donate your body to posterity after death?

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