Why Sponges Are Potentially Immortal

Who knew that creatures traditionally used by people as natural bath sponges could be the longest-living animals known?

One step further from a colony of unicellular animals, an individual sponge is a multicellular and largely immobile animal. These fascinating organisms adopted all sorts of interesting strategies in the fight for survival and they seem to have made it.

Most sponges feed by filtering food particles. Hence they live in quiet, undisturbed waters. Since water flow is so important to extracting food and oxygen, they evolved something we could only dream of: sponges are able to remold themselves. In other words, they can change their body shape according to the environment. This card allows them to mold according to their substrate, incrusting rocks and other hard surfaces such as shells and corals.

Sponges are able to change their body shape by employing two mechanisms:

  • The cells making up their external layers such as pinacocytes and choanocytes are not bound tightly like epithelial cells in our skin and mucosae.

  • Their endoskeleton called the mesophyl can be continuously remodeled by specialized cells, the lophocytes.

All this can be summed up as living on unstable ground. Yet flexibility pays off.

There are two features potentially immortal species have and sponges make no exception. They reproduce asexually and their adult somatic cells are pluripotent.

Let’s take them one by one.

Sponges reproduce sexually. Most of them are hermaphrodites, the same individual producing sperm and eggs, without having true gonads. Yet they preserved the ability to reproduce asexually and they do this in 3 manners:

  • by fragmentation

  • by budding

  • by producing gemmules

Not all sponge fragments are able to recreate another individual from scratch. In order to do that, the fragment must contain at least these two types of cells: the collencytes which produce the mesohyl ( their endoskeleton) and archaeocytes from which all other types of cells are derived.

When times are stressful, usually when temperature drops, sponges – and many other species – degenerate into gemmules. These tiny ‘survival pods’ stay dormant until better times come and the little creatures regenerate. Often such gemmules are retained within the parent sponge.

Asexual reproduction is not enough. Many species reproduce asexually without displaying extraordinary longevity. The three Rs come next: reorganization, rejuvenation, regeneration. Sponges have a huge advantage here: they are simple creatures. This time minimalism pays off. Sponges have no true tissues. They have between 5-10 cell types depending on the species. They have no body symmetry. A symbol of flexibility, dare I say. Most sponge cells are able to move around the body. A few of them are able to dedifferentiate – transforming themselves from one type of differentiated cell into another, by-passing the usual stem cell route. There is another interesting ability in some sponge species: if you take one such animal, blend its contents and put those cells into water, they will reorganize themselves into a new sponge. How cool is that?

I previously mentioned that one fragment must contain archaeocytes in order to recreate a sponge individual. Archaeocytes are totipotent cells. They can differentiate into any type of cell the sponge needs. This ability is totally lost in species like humans which are only able to express totipotency as embryos.

Sponges lack a complex immune system like we do, yet they are able to reject grafts from other species. What is fascinating though is that sponges will accept grafts from members of their own species.

I mentioned sponges being potentially immortal. The word ‘potentially’ is important here, because accidents are a part of the sponge’s life just like they are in our lives. They are predated upon by echinoderms, turtles and some fish.That is when they aren’t turned into commodities such as natural bath sponges for human use.

But sponges understand the sharing economy better than anyone. They collaborate freely with anyone that will give them an advantage in survival.

For example, they’ll often team up with photosynthesizing organisms: green algae, cyanobacteria, dinoflagellates. What’s more, glass sponges – one of the three main classes of sponges, the other two being calcareous sponges and demosponges – have silica spicules which conduct light into the mesohyl, the endoskeleton where the green algae live in symbiosis with the sponge. The sponge provides safety with plenty of light and the green algae provide some oxygen and organic matter as food. That looks like a fair barter to me!

Sponges will often host shrimps too. Each shrimp species of the genus Synalpheus will inhabit a different sponge species, enjoying not only safety from its host, but the larger food particles the latter can’t digest.

Sponges are the animals with the maximum known lifespan. They lack any protective shell. Sponges are immobile, lacking any means of escape. But they are flexible and evolved to synthesize a variety of unusual substances which pave the way to better drugs for humans.

Their lifespan varies wildly. Some sponge species survive for only a couple of years. At the same time, some desmogens grow their spicules very slowly at a rate of 0.2mm/year. The spicules is where researchers look for the chronological age in such species. If we suppose the growth rate is constant, then a sponge with a diameter of 1 m could have at least 5,000 years old. Another Antarctic specimen is estimated to be around 15,000 years old according to its growth curve.

Sponges are fascinating organisms that can be easily grown at home, not to mention in a lab. Why aren’t they used as a biological model of aging or rather the lack of aging?


Note: This blog post is an excerpt from ‘The aging gap between species’ book.

Anca Ioviţă is the author of Eat Less Live Longer: Your Practical Guide to Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition ,The Aging Gap Between Species and What Is Your Legacy? 101Ways on Getting Started to Create and Build One available on Amazon and several other places. If you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to sign up to receive updates on longevity news and novel book projects!

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  1. Pingback: Quora
  2. Thanks for the good introduction to sponges!
    While I find their lifespans impressive, if we think longer, we see that they are little more than a colony of cells. They lack any specialized tissues/organs. They just have just a few different types of cells mixed together, and their most complex body organization seems to be that 2 layers of cells, which may form a cylinder, with a porous wall.
    All this simplicity surely helps their various reproductive strategies (as you describe), but at the same time I suspect it is the reason (lack of tissues/organs) they are not so interesting as a model organism.
    Also, personally, I’m impressed when an organism live long while maintaining it’s main morphology and function. But a sponge that may regenerate to gemmules, wait through a drought or whatever crisis, then regenerate a big sponge again — well, good for it… but a complex organism like a mammal hardly could imitate that.

    I looked up that 15000 old one you mention, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexactinellid , and I read “most of the cytoplasm is not divided into separate cells by walls but forms a syncytium or continuous mass of cytoplasm with many nuclei …through which the spicules penetrate”, (for which reason they are thinking of putting it into a separate phylum from sponges). So I’m not too sure how useful this particular one can be as model (maybe I’m wrong).

    For these reasons, I’m more impressed with hydra…

    1. I replied you on the hydra post regarding colonies versus “real” organisms.
      The Hexactinellid link is interesting, this could be an even more extreme form of sponge where not even cells have proper borders anymore (apart from the lack of tissue differentiation like in us).

      I agree that hydras could be more practical as model organisms for reversing aging (especially since there are already 2 closely-related species known where aging exists in one but not in another and apart from temperature, only downregulating FOXO induced aging in the one that doesn’t age https://www.pnas.org/content/109/48/19697, the latter probably also by affecting its microbiome: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5891625/), but I don’t exclude an organism from study just because it doesn’t look like me. I try to understand its longevity anyway.

  3. I looked up several (>5) articles concerning age determination of long-lived sponges, and my conclusion is that they essentially measure the age of the skeleton (usually by estimating growth rates). There’s no guarantee that the actual living tissue (the collony of cells) was continuously alive for that long.
    For some unfavorable periods, it’s quite possible that the skeleton became totally or partially empty/depopulated, only to be repopulated later by new fragments, gemmules, or swimming primitive larvae (masses of cells with flagellated cells on the outer layer) and grow to repopulate the skeleton.

    1. I presume that the skeleton of the sponge was looked at through a microscope in order to count those growth rings, so the researcher could notice whether the skeleton houses no living cells anymore.
      Regarding periodical depopulation, sponges live in symbiosis with some algae and shrimps, but I never heard of those skeletons being reused as housing like it happens, for example, with hermit crabs reusing snail shells. But if this would happen, one method to check this would be to compare the DNA of the skeleton with the DNA of the rest of the cells.

  4. Yes, I meant possible periodical depopulation. That skeleton is formed by depositing minerals, so it may not have any DNA in it. The depopulation might explain why some biologists don’t believe that Hexactinellid sponge http://genomics.senescence.info/species/entry.php?species=Scolymastra_joubini to be 23000 y.o.: the sea levels have fluctuated during such a time, thus would have killed the cells during such dry periods.
    Hydra and the implication of FOXO with double role (stem cells and microbiome): sounds promising, as I read this Foxo is widespread across most metazoans, hopefully one day will lead to a powerful way to apply this in humans.

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