For a long time I had this simplistic view that senescent cells accumulate with age, contributing to many age-related degenerative diseases through the sterile inflammation and regeneration impairment they cause. I also thought their removal with the help of drugs is the only  possible solution to get rid of them. Destroying senescent cells shouldn’t be […]

Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither is longevity attained overnight. A few years ago I read about the compound effect: it’s this idea that baby steps done regularly lead to extraordinary results on the long term. Exponential growth is very hard for humans to wrap their minds around. Linear growth is so much […]

There is no coincidence that cancer is more frequent as we age. And it is also no coincidence that many anti-aging therapies destined for rejuvenation could allow unleashed growth to take place and cause cancer. Hence my interest in those species which despite an abundant capability to regenerate their damaged tissues, show no increased rate […]

We mentally inhabit the virtual world, but we still get born, breathe and die in the real world. And unlike our ancestors, we create mountains of digital data where they would have created smaller mountains of print data. We write emails. They wrote letters. We shoot pictures. They painted or drew. We record videos. They […]